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Most frequently asked questions
Arab workers in Romania – Frequently asked questions about recruitment
Why is it more advantageous through an Arab personnel recruitment agency?
As mentioned above, there are many more advantages through a recruitment firm:
The process of selecting, recruiting, and bringing in personnel from EGYPT is complex, laborious, and involves many risks. We take all of this on: the process, risks, and guarantees if necessary.
To ensure you get exactly what you need, you need an Arab personnel recruitment agency. We have trusted partnerships with local recruitment agencies or even our own agencies. We recruit what you want and bring in exactly what you have selected.
The effort, energy, time consumption, and frustration in queues are enormous. We already have experience, master the process, are quick and efficient. Costs will be much lower with us, and not just in terms of money.
We have already built credibility in front of employers, local authorities, or authorities from the countries we recruit from. It's much faster and easier for us.
We can afford to provide dedicated consultants. We are a large team with nationwide coverage. You will have access to your own consultant, and you will know exactly where you are in this process.
We offer a guarantee. In case of errors on our part, we replace the workforce from Egypt for free.
We provide live or recorded interviews for a minimum of 2 candidates for the same position. So you can choose who you prefer.
For more candidates, we organize visits to the countries we recruit from so you can select on-site.
What are the legal aspects that an employer needs to consider?
The minimum wage cannot be lower than the minimum wage in Romania's economy or, if applicable, the wage set by compulsory collective agreements in your sector of activity.
The maximum working time and minimum rest periods established by Romanian law depending on the field of activity must be respected.
Health and safety at the workplace are your responsibility, just as with a Romanian employee.
Hiring conditions for young people and pregnant women also fall under Romanian law and must be fully respected.
Discrimination is becoming an increasingly acute issue in today's society and is punishable by Romanian authorities. We advise you to consider equal treatment between women and men and other rules regarding discrimination prevention, especially considering that your employee is not a Romanian citizen.
How is the payment for the recruitment service carried out?
The payment for the recruitment process is made in 3 installments:
Installment 1 - at the time of signing the contract when the recruitment process begins.
Installment 2 - at the time of obtaining work permits in Romania.
Installment 3 - at the time when travel visas are issued.
Can the costs be negotiated?
The costs associated with obtaining the documents are fixed and set by the authorities, and they cannot be negotiated. However, the costs covering our services can be negotiated based on the number of Arab workers needed, qualifications, or country of origin.
What is my role as an employer in this entire process of recruiting Arab workers?
Even though most of the bureaucratic aspects fall on our shoulders, we will need a little help from you as the employer:
We handle the recruitment, but you have the final say in the selection process, either through recorded interviews or live interviews with potential workers.
We need assistance with employment contracts and authorization for the submission of work permits, as well as obtaining visas and residence permits.
Last but not least, upon your request and depending on the number of Arab workers you request, we can collaborate on logistics (accommodation and meals) as well as the induction and cultural adaptation process.
How long does the entire recruitment process take?
The process of bringing Arab workers is a very complex one, and the lead time of 3-4 months from selection is determined by the necessary and obligatory legal procedures, but it is often worth the wait. Recruitment needs to be done carefully and correctly to deliver the best quality, in line with the job description and according to what we find in Egypt. For this process, we need between one week and one month, depending on the qualifications and the employer's financial offer. Then, obtaining the work permit takes between 1 and 2 months with local authorities, and the work visa varies from 2 weeks to 2 months, depending on the country of origin of the Arab workers.
You sign the service contract with our agency.
We create the profile of the desired employee together.
We select the CVs that meet the client's requirements.
We obtain the work permit in Romania.
We obtain the work visa.
We take care of the arrival of Arab employees in Romania.
We obtain the residence permit in Romania for Arab workers.
We provide support for the integration of Arab workers into Romanian culture through specific workshops.
How do we hire Arab workers for you?